Monday, August 21, 2017


I've already touched on one way I get inspiration for a story, and that is to be assigned a topic. I like those assignments, and I like the end result of multiple authors being assigned the same story line. It's a little like giving the recipe for funeral potatoes to five different cooks--and ending up with five dishes, all delicious, but difficult to tell who followed the original recipe. 

I have no problem coming up with ideas, but I have a special affinity for old abandoned homesteads.

If only walls could talk. Can't you imagine the once-upon-a-time beauty of this home? Built, perhaps, for a new bride brave enough to venture onto the unknown prairie and all that life ahead might hold? 

If I sit long enough, and listen to the walls, I can hear the whispered words of love; the shouts of anger and/or joy; the first cry of a newborn; or the brokenhearted weeping because of a loved one's loss. 

And because we become good friends--this grand old lady, and because I, too, am old--she allows me to tell her story. The story of those lives she once embraced. The story of the Kansas wind that never stops blowing; the tall grasses that undulate like waves; the rich grasses that provide sustenance like a mother's milk; and the flint hills that dip and roll over landscape that outsiders proclaim is flat.

My heart is in these hills, but it will stop beating long before I run out of inspiration they offer. 

That's okay. Because I know that I have a mansion just over the hilltop! 

And it will never be abandoned! 


  1. Lovely post! Love, love, love exploring abandoned property, or driving by old places. My mind just explodes with all the memories.
